Moni Island


Moni Island is situated southwest of Aegina, directly across from the village of Perdika. It’s an ideal destination for sailing and day trips, featuring stunning turquoise waters and rich natural surroundings. The island is uninhabited due to the lack of drinkable water. The only residents are various animals, including deer, kri-kri goats from Crete, squirrels, peacocks, and falcons. The deer and peacocks are particularly friendly and may even approach visitors on the beach.

For 30 years, Moni was managed by the Greek Touring Club. In 1962, it was designated to be developed into a game-breeding natural park. The island has several small beaches, particularly on the northern coast, which are perfect for swimming and are framed by beautiful pine forests. For those who enjoy climbing or hiking, there is a steep mountain on the northern side of the island. The trail to the summit includes a German lookout post from World War II, used by the Germans to defend the port of Piraeus from Allied forces.

Visitors should bring their own supplies, including drinking water and food. Access to Moni is available via boat from Perdika, with regular trips during the summer months taking about 10 minutes.

Moni Island

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